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Re: Alligators

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Posted by crocs4me on April 09, 2003 at 16:16:49:

In Reply to: Re: Alligators posted by John_White on April 08, 2003 at 17:03:15:

:If you can "get away to call a licensed nuisances trapper" then you have the ability to get away from the threat. If the gators has you by the leg and you cannot get away that's a different story.....


Actually, I've seen this type of situation in person unfortunatly...Fellow I used to work with back in the early 90's was doing an educational show with a lil 3 footer that was very easy to handle and made a great example to show to the crowd..Well, One day he saw this pretty girl who was flirting with him and on his own accord thought he would drag one of the big gators out of the show pool and act like tarzan..I wasn't there when he did that but was on showed up just as he jumped on the gator and started showing what a moron does when he doesn't know whats he doing and the big gator which was about 7-8 foot, turned his head and grabbed his arm in his mouth..I ran into the area and told him to relax and not to make any movements and I would try to get the gator off him..But he was in pain and screaming and the gator would not let go...I was tapped the gator on the nose which normally worked when they bit down on something but unknown to me he pulled out his pocket knife and stabbed the gator in the ear to kill it and sure enough it worked..Gator let go and he went to the hospital with some serious cuts..When he got back the florida wildlife and freshwater game commision was there waiting on him and arrested him for illegally killing a gator in the state of florida..It was his negligence that caused that gators death and he got a nice fine for his trouble..Fact of the matter is, You get bit, It's YOUR fault..These animals don't ask to be picked up and shown to kids nor do they like having someone jump on thier backs..Good example of knowing what you got in your right hand because if you don't, You may be using your left hand more often than you wish :-)

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