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Re: Where's the jaw tape? ....

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Posted by Bill Moss on April 08, 2003 at 17:40:09:

In Reply to: Re: Where's the jaw tape? .... posted by Ravenspirit on April 08, 2003 at 17:03:17:


I would strongly urge you to rethink your position on this. If a bite were to happen, it would be so fast that you could not react. A friend of mine (and one who is well enough known that most would probably recognize the name) had a female gator that he worked with for four years and to which he referred to as "dog" tame. Then one day, out of the blue and for no apparent reason, she bit his arm while he was holding her and opened him up to the tune of over thirty stitches.

I would personally NEVER allow anyone from the general public to hold one of my gators. The risks are too great, as John pointed out, not only to yourself financially, the injured person for what could be permanent and disfiguring injuries, and to the hobby in general.

Food for thought.


:I used to tape her, but she has never given me a reason to worry about tapeing her jaws - If you notice the placement of my hand when children are petting her, I Keep myself braced, just in case - When the man held her I was right to the side of him, in case she were to try to take off or something.

:I wouldnt even try to take her out if I thought she would become aggresive - or would bite - Of course she is cpable of biteing, as is any animal, but I honestly believe that she is a safe animal to interact with -

:Her untaped jaws are near my face constantly throughout the trip, and I have never had a problem with her being the least bit agressive - I have her so condidtioned that she wont even eat unless she in her pen - On her trip to visit family with me this new year, she refused food that was offered 2 weeks while she was away, but ate the night we got home, and she was returned to her enclosure.
:Im well aware what could be "at stake" if she were to bite someone - and, again, she would not even be out with me if I thought, even in the back of my mind, that she would "loose her cool"

:Raven -

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