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Re: Need advice

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Posted by psusocr on April 06, 2003 at 18:52:15:

In Reply to: Need advice posted by gatorsweet2me on April 06, 2003 at 10:28:15:

you dont have to seperate it at all unless you want to but...what you can do is just "build up" a land area with rocks so they go from beneath the water to above the water so he can easily swim right out of the water and just climb up the rocks to bask on. Or what you can do depending on how high your water is just get a flat sheet of wood or quarter in plexi glass, next attach for corners on it like a little stool(making sure its stable) then you can drop this into the water by gluing this piece down or anchoring it and then just give him a little "ladder" or something on the end extending into the water (like a ramp) so he can crawl up. OR you can just use this same concept but slant the wood or glass down into the water, just cut your front pieces shorter making a slight slope that goes into the water. If you decide to do it this way, your croc will love his land area and will love his hide spot evan more. My croc swims under it all the time to relax and get away from things he also sleeps under there at night( i leave about an inch room from the water to the board so he can breath above water)
This was hard to explain but i hope you understand, if not dont hesistate to ask for a picture i will be glad to take a few of how mine is set up

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