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Nice Setup

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Posted by El__Quijote on April 03, 2003 at 08:58:37:

In Reply to: Pics of my baby alligators setup posted by dragonsbynature on April 02, 2003 at 21:46:12:

How long have you had the gator???
I have one just like it... I've had her for about 2 months, and she's approximately the same size as yours..
I thought of doing something similar to what you have, but I decided to go a little larger so that I don't have to change cages as often... Because of that, I'm gonna have to build my own... With work, it is taking me a lot longer than I expected...
Right now I just have her in a big rubbermaid tub, with a similar (concept-wise) setup to yours, but definitely not as nice...
I guess I didn't quite understand how you're running your filtration, any extra insight on that would help, since I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to manage mine...
How are you heating the water??? I bought a titanium heater for mine, and it is working great... My only problem has been finding different ways to keep the gator away from the heater, because I don't want her to burn herself, and sometimes the heater gets pretty hot...
Please keep me updated on the life of your gator, I'd love to keep hearing about him/her...
Good Luck,

~ El__Quijote

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