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Re: Alligator Pelleted Food? Ravenspirit

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Posted by Ravenspirit on April 03, 2003 at 06:07:18:

In Reply to: Alligator Pelleted Food? Ravenspirit posted by KeithLove on April 02, 2003 at 20:52:04:

They only sell it in 50 lb bags - But there not expensive - Ive bought alot in the past, but right now I dont have any left - I dont feed it much over the summer - (I feed fish I catch mostly, and It gets feed moths here, and I dont have the freezer room to store it with all of my bird diet I purchase)

I feed it over the winter. Maybe next year If I purchase it again, Ill send you a pound or something -

I think its worth the money to oder if you have the space to store it, as its a conveniant product -

Raven -

:Thank you RavenSpirit for answering my question awhile back on pelleted feed! The website you gave me said they sell only in 50lbs bags. Have you bought any yourself? Know of anyone who sells in smaller quantities? If you have a big bag would you sell me a 1 lbs of it to try? I just want to try it out, I only have 1 small baby gator. Thank you Keith

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