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Re: FL Press x3: Letter: Teach Alligator Safety

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Posted by crocs4me on April 02, 2003 at 08:24:04:

In Reply to: Re: FL Press x3: Letter: Teach Alligator Safety posted by Ravenspirit on April 01, 2003 at 08:05:08:

:People will never learn...

:I often wonder why, If someone has a big problem with the thought of living around alligators, or cottonmoths, or sandhill cranes, Why are they even contemplateing moveing to florida in the first place ?

:Why not move to NYC, or something, where the "dangerous animals" are "contained" -

:Bah on so many people -

:Raven -

I have to agree with you here...When I moved here I was praying I would be in an area where I could wake up and see alligators basking by the lake or pond with the very slim dream of seeing an American Crocodile out basking one day..But good lord, Saying the word alligator down here is bad enough around these old birds, Mention crocodile and they would probably lose thier minds..LOL.Can you hear it now?...My gawd!..Crocodiles??..Them there things eat Zebras and buffalo on TV!!!..Kill it!!..Kill it quick!!..If people here would only appreciate what we have here it would be a much nicer place to live..So much to see and so much wonderful wildlife to enjoy....Hey Raven, As far as going to NYC, Ever heard of them sewer gators?...Why I hear them thangs get to 20-30 feet long and run 30-40 mph..Straight up hill..Out run a horse...Hehe

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