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Posted by highlander1 on April 01, 2003 at 19:14:44:

In Reply to: FL Press x3: Letter: Teach Alligator Safety posted by W von Papineäu on March 31, 2003 at 20:11:01:

I dont get people and their fear of things.If you are afraid of being eaten by an alligator then dont move to somewhere that has more of them than humans.Why is it that people are always wanting to see something extraordinary and then when they get too close and get bit they want to automatically kill it.I was born and raised in southern Florida (born in Sarasota and raised in the Everglades) and swam with gators all of my life and never once did i worry about getting mauled to death by one.I used to swim in the canals at Alligator Alley with all shapes and sizes of gators...never once have i been bit,attacked,mauled,etc.because A) I didnt try to feed them like some do B) they wasnt use to seeing humans swim with them so they feared us more than we feared them C) I was taught that if i saw a gator within the vicinity of where i was at then to slowly get out of the water (if close enough to the shore) or make alot of noise and they would usually turn and go the other way.

Kids (anybody below the age of 6 or 7) Shouldnt be anywhere near a whole of water infested by gators without adult supervision (oh yeah i forgot parents are too busy talking to pay their kid any attention).Kids that size are basically prey size so it shouldnt be the gators fault but the parents who think that spending time with their kids and explaining the do's and dont's is less important than talking with their neighbor or going to a business meeting.When a gator attacks someone and if its the gators fault then yeah i say relocate it or "kill" it if necessary but dont outright kill it because you think its ok to feed it and then it attacks you.Usually if a gator attacks it has good reason with the exception of a rogue alligator but thats seldom heard of.Anyway enough of my views on the do's and dont's of stupid people. Regards Bill McLeod

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