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Re: A Little Fun and a question

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Posted by Ravenspirit on March 31, 2003 at 16:24:25:

In Reply to: A Little Fun and a question posted by psusocr on March 31, 2003 at 13:37:51:

Intersting obsrevation -

I know all three of my larger crocodilians come running when I take my 2.5 foot juveniles out - The 2.5 foot caiman still make the juvenile chirps, and it really gets the larger animals going - 2 Caiman and an American alligator.

I wonder if they look at the juveniles as snacks (most likely ?), or if they actually would be protective of them, or just show interest in them ?

I do know that My big male caiman gomeck, bellows loudly, regularly, and seems to be triggered by loud noises, such as heavy bass in the music, or other loud deep noises. My vacumeing, and snoreing has also in the past triggered him and osceola to make alot of noise. Ra, the other large animal living with them, has remained quiet.

Raven -

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