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Re: The rubber ones would be the best.....more

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Posted by boaboy13 on March 29, 2003 at 11:15:25:

In Reply to: Re: Choosing an ALLIGATOR posted by crocs4me on March 28, 2003 at 06:19:50:

No Crocodilian makes a good pet. There are only 2 species of alligators, the Chinese gators and the American gators. The Chinese gators do not get as big as the American gators do, but they are endangered. And I have never seen one pop up in the pet trade. Caimens are little demons, the dwarf male caimens can only grow to about 4-5 feet, but I hear that they are very aggressive and will fast allot. Regular caimens can reach 6-7 feet, they to are very aggressive, and had one tare a pice out of my hand once. The crocs I don't know much about, I only keep caimens and gators, but I hear they are as bad as the caimens. But any ways, all crocodilians can live 50+ years and only should be kept if you can provide proper caging and care all of there life. And neonates grow very fast and alligators average a foot a year, but my gator has grown over 13 inches in 6 months! But if your sure you want to get one, and you can afford there costly diet and housing all of there life. I would go with a dwarf caimen, or if you can house an 8-10 foot gator, the American alligator. Well best of luck to you!
And let us know what you decide!

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