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My new paleosuchus trigonatus

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Posted by Trigonatus on March 28, 2003 at 20:25:29:

Got on the same boat you guys are on!
I just brought Paleosuchus trigonatus from a friend 2 hours ago and his wife didnt let him to have it in the house. I have 125 gallon fish tank setup. He is 8"(how old do you think it is by their size)? I am wondering if it is OK for me to put sand in the water and let the sand sink. I thought I would give him nice realistic setup with sand and live plants like it would be swimming in South America. Will the sand harm my caiman? I have heard that sand will impact with their digesting because of the silcas (SP?) or it wont hurt at all? The information was based on the lizards and wanted to see if it made any difference between lizards and crocs. I am asking because I am not fond of the pebbles or river rocks. I would like to have some more ideas what else to put in the water. Any response will be appreciated.

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