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Re: Alligator abuse, Question

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Posted by boaboy13 on March 22, 2003 at 18:15:54:

In Reply to: Re: Alligator abuse, Question posted by rick gordon on March 21, 2003 at 12:00:45:

Heck yeah, Im all most 15 and I keep my 27 inch one in a 270 gallon KOL pond in the summer. He has a 5 foot fince and meatle going down a foot and 3 feet up the fince. And 50% of it is in the shade. If the gator is in good shape, has a good fince, and right setup, then I would leave the poor guy alone. Man if somone came up to me and told me to get rid of my gator, they better be runing, and running VERY fast! And better be able to dodge bullits if they try to take him. My seem harse, but I live in a rual area and I live a mile from the nearest house. And 40 ac of land going around that, that we own. But if somone is brakeing the law, and the gator is being missed treated, I would turn him into the fish and game. But if he all ready knows you I would move out of town! Becuse he ant going to be happy.

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