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USDA guidelines for housing crocodilians.

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Posted by john_licata on March 20, 2003 at 07:53:54:

The USDA has specific guidlines for the housing of crocodilians. Comercial farms are subject to fines and lose of permits if they are found to be in violation of these rules. I am not sure if this only pretains to comercial farms or if it includes private collectors. The way it is worded sounds like it might include the private sector.
Basicly they say that the animal has to be able the completly turn around, on land and in the water, with out touching walls or other animals. ie A four foot gator needs a MINIMUM or 5x5 land and 5x5 water, Two four footers would need at least 10x10 land and water.
This should be somthing to consider when building enclosures. I have seen gators kept in stock tanks with just a couple of cinderblocks to bask on, I've seen tanks with no land at all. Alot of people have been useing those preformed plastic pondliners. They are great for smaller animals, but I've seen four and five footers with a pool that may be six foot long but only two or three foot wide.

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