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Re: Which is the smallest Caiman u can own?????

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on March 18, 2003 at 07:56:39:

In Reply to: Which is the smallest Caiman u can own????? posted by gecko_gal on March 17, 2003 at 10:41:16:

The cuviers dwarf caiman would probably be your best bet, HOWEVER, realize, that any "croc" should not be considered a pet in the true sense. "Dwarfs" are probably the most easily managed species in a captive setting due to its smaller size (but, this is an animal that can still reach 3-4' and far more aggressive than a gator of equal size). These make really neat display animals and I love working with them but don't expect an animal that you can just pick up and hold and hang out with. I do commend you, though, for knowing your limitations...our wildlife center alone takes in over 30 american alligators each year (and spec. caimans, nile crocs, etc.).

:I and my partner are seriously into reptiles, already have some.
:But wish to further into exotic pets*.I need to know as I have always loved Alligators, but realise it may not be fair or sensable to take on such a huge reptile.Is their any mini Alligators that exist? in the way of Caimans which is the smallest u can get???, as I guess that would be near enough to owning a Gator*.I love the noises baby Gators make, its SO SWEET*
:Thank you*

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