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Re: Can you get these toes tags from some place for a keeper to.

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Posted by Bill Moss on March 17, 2003 at 16:41:42:

In Reply to: Re: Can you get these toes tags from some place for a keeper to. posted by Ravenspirit on March 17, 2003 at 16:08:30:

That's a good idea, and I've thought of it too, particularly after I had a 50lb sulcata stolen last fall (since recovered). What's the chance that anyone who found one of the animals would look for the ID? I was thinking that for practical purposes, the only benefit would be for positive identification purposes if ownership was in question.

Your thoughts?


:: Help Identify the animal. Like say if one becomes an escapee and is found by someone?

:I AVid microchipped my animals - easy, not too pricey, dosent seem to phase the animal, and permanat non removable ID -

:I put all of mine in the nape of the neck - all mky other critters that I may need to ID for any reasons, free flying birds, hunting birds, "endangered" species (ally snapper, nothern pine snake), are Avid chipped -

:Raven -

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