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Re: Lost a good one

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Posted by Danny Conner on March 16, 2003 at 13:28:59:

In Reply to: Lost a good one posted by Danny Conner on March 15, 2003 at 18:06:03:

Hey Guys
Thanks. Obviously it's not like when your dog dies. Only reptile keepers understand that you still get "attached". Did Romeo like me? No. Would he have bit me if he needed to? Definitely. But I miss seeing him, watching him even though he did'nt do much I just enjoyed looking at him.
First thing I did was drain the pool and hose down the ledges.
I did cut him open I was'nt sure what I was looking for I did'nt expect any obstructions since he had'nt eaten since Nov. There was'nt any. The only thing I noticed was what seemed like an enormous amount of fat. He was obese. 4 foot 10 inches at 65 lbs. Of course he should have been longer maybe by 14 inches. In '99 a larger gator went over a 4 foot fence and bit Romeos tail off and consumed it.
So he was very stubby.A 6 foot caiman stuffed into a 5 foot body.
I'm committed to never feeding commercially raised chicken again. I blame that for the high levels of fat of course I can't prove that was the cause of death.
The first big feed of the year included a large rattlesnake, a cottontail,several quail and a wild turkey.
Way more preparation but it has to be healthier.D.C.

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