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Re: Lost a good one

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Posted by Ralf Sommerlad on March 16, 2003 at 05:22:36:

In Reply to: Lost a good one posted by Danny Conner on March 15, 2003 at 18:06:03:

Sorry for your loss, but Bill is absolutely right: It is absolutely necessary in such a case to learn after a necropsy!

Take care, Ralf

:Was very surprised and disappointed today. The first big feeding of the year I went to my enclosure with my biggest caimans and crocs and my 3rd oldest spec."Romeo" was lying in the water dead. He must of died that night because he did'nt stink but he was a little bloated. He ruled that tank although another caiman was longer Romeo was incredibly stout(65lbs) and had the personality to back it up. He did'nt have any marks so I have'nt a clue what happened. I've had him since 1994. Of the 5 remaining crocodilians 3 ate so I assume they're all doing okay.
:While this has happened to me many times with snakes(where a large healthy adult dies for no reason) this is the first time this has happened witha crocodilian. I mean I lost a 3 foot dwarf caiman last year but then it went 14 months without eating. This was so sudden I worry for the rest of my collection. D.C.

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