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I live in shelby, N.C. not to far from me

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Posted by reptile_man7mm on March 15, 2003 at 18:22:10:

In Reply to: I know, I know posted by CobraKing on March 14, 2003 at 00:02:18:

:I would like to get an american alligator some time in the future. I'm 18, and before people say things about irresponsible teenagers, I have done many months of research about crocodilian care. I'm going to dig a pond to keep it in when it gets big (my family owns quite a large amount of land). I live in upstate S.C., around the Charlotte area. There are a few gators that appeared in Lake Wylie a couple of years ago, but I don't know if they're still there. Anyway, on to my questions.
:1. Does anyone know about the legalities of owning an alligator in South Carolina, or where I can find info?
:2. What do you feed your adult crocodilians, and where do you get the food?
:I do not plan on getting an alligator for a while, but I will have everything I need before I get one. My dream is to open my own reptile park one day. I do think that they are "cool", but that is not the real reason I love to keep reptiles. I deeply respect and love them, and I love to teach people about the importance of animals that are not cuddly. I do that now at elementary schools with my snakes, scorpions, and hissing roaches. I can just see the look on those kids faces when I show them a six foot alligator, and answer all of their questions. It is so awesome!!!!!!

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