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Re: Been a while

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Posted by JPoe on March 13, 2003 at 01:22:28:

In Reply to: Re: Been a while posted by Bill Moss on March 12, 2003 at 22:15:58:

Well as we had talked about sometime ago (yeah I guess it has been a while) we did check on grants and possible funding alternatives. the end result NO MONEY. We are still self funded but it has not been as big of a financial burden as originally thought. Yes initial build costs are tough to swallow but once everything was in place, it has gotten much easier.
My personal enclosure, which ran about $2,000.00 to build, is 15 feet long / 5 feet wide / has 8 feet of water area / 7 feet of layout-basking are / 3 foot deep. Water temo (winter only as all of our crocs go into an outside enclosure in the summer) is a wood burning stover with copper tubing coiled around it. A submergable thermostat (same as in a water heater) activates/de-activates a pump that circulates the water around the stove. This keeps the ambient air temp quite warm and requires minmal heating from electric overhead heaters inside the enclosure. The conctruction of the enclosure is cinderblock which was sealed and painted. There are 2 plexiglass panels (came from local hockey rink and are approx 1 inch thick)which provide viewing. My partner (retired and kids out of the house) has built a nice setuo in his basement. It measures 20 feet by 15 feet. Has a cinderblock pond in the center and the rest is sand for layout-basking. The entire enclosure is closed in with 2x4 and heavy chicken wire. The fencing runs from floor to ceiling.

I will post some pics in the next few days so some of the guys looking into keeping crocs can see how deep it can get to properly house these guys

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