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Re: lactic acids????

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Posted by Bill Moss on March 12, 2003 at 13:53:06:

In Reply to: lactic acids???? posted by mec on March 12, 2003 at 12:16:43:

It's not the stress as much as it is the physical activity. Too much activity for too long depletes the muscles of oxygen (aerobic) and lactate (anaerobic). When the lactitate is used up under heavy, intense physical activity, the end product is lactice acid. Too much lactic acid changes the blood PH (by elevating the acid level (lower PH)) to the point where the animal is completely exhausted and has to rest to allow the lactic acid to metabolize. If the animal is not given the opportunity to do this, the lactic acid will build up to a point that the animal could die.

You shouldn't have to be concerned about this under normal handling unless the animal is violently struggling for an extended period.


:when i baught my caiman the only thing the breeder tried to explain (but didnt do a good job) is that when all crocs get to stressed they have a build up of lactic acids on their brain that could cause death......could someone explain this better to me and tell me some signs.
:i looked all over but couldnt find anything on it

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