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Re: 16th Crocodile Specialist Group Meeting

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Posted by bigsnakedaddy on March 11, 2003 at 14:05:39:

In Reply to: 16th Crocodile Specialist Group Meeting posted by DocCroc on March 10, 2003 at 17:32:30:

:Hey everyone, am wondering if some of you went to 16th C.S.G meeting last October? If so, I am requesting a favor from people who went, to give me some pictures that was taken at the meeting. I regret not bringing my camera (I forgot my camera, DANG!!) I would love to have some pictures so I can print and put in my scrapbook for memories. PLEASE send me some pictures (Jpg file) and my email is Write "CSG pix" on the email subject so I wont think it is a spam mail and delete it.

:Doc Croc

:PS- If you know this Chinese or Japanese photographer guy who took pictures at the CSG and what was his name? Anyone has his contact email address? The CSG program book is in box somewhere. :(

Good afternoon: Is it doccroc? My name is Roark Ferguson. I was in attendance at said meeting with the internationally known Dr. Samuel G. Seashole, aka. "The CrocDoc" as he has been affectionately known for years. I was wondering about your choice of nickname/handle and wondered how it originated. I noticed the confusion as people responded to your original post erroneously as CrocDoc vice doc croc. What's the story? Glad to see another crocodilian lover.....Best regards. Roark

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