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Re: crocodilian water depth

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Posted by Adam Britton on March 09, 2003 at 20:24:46:

In Reply to: crocodilian water depth posted by caimankid on March 09, 2003 at 13:56:57:

Well, think about it. Crocodilians are primarily aquatic reptiles that have considerable adaptations to swimming and diving. Clearly they will thrive if you provide them with the means to do that.

Crocs are tough creatures, and can survive if you deem fit to provide them with insufficient water for swimming. However, it goes without saying that if you want a healthy croc that exhibits normal behaviour you must give them enough water to swim around freely. There are other considerations too - if there's not enough water to swim freely, that suggests it won't function very well as a thermal buffer if the crocodile needs to alter its body temperature. Insufficient water will also increase stress and cause a multitude of other problems as a consequence.


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