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Re: Nile croc. Ssp...

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Posted by donny039 on March 08, 2003 at 21:13:54:

In Reply to: Re: Nile croc. Ssp... posted by Batagur on March 08, 2003 at 21:04:24:

much like the common caiman, this is a difficult subject !

I know the african niles are much bigger than the those from madagascar, I believe they look a little differant as well .. I have also heard of another type of nile from madagascar named the "hiland nile" this croc is suppose very very rare and also suppose to be huge and totaly differant looking than other magagascar niles.

:As we speak, people are working on the taxanomic status of the different niloticus populations. At the CSG meeting last year there was talk of the possibility that there may even be two separate species of Niles based on genetics evidence. We'll just have to wait till all the work is completed and the evidence is conclusive. I know several subspecies have been proposed and considered valid by some.

:As for morphological differences in populations, I'm not sure. I believe Madagascar populations tend to be smaller as adults than mainland populations. But again, I'm not sure of this.

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