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Re: well, technically...

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Posted by Rob Carmichael on March 05, 2003 at 18:03:46:

In Reply to: Re: well, technically... posted by psusocr on March 05, 2003 at 14:35:48:

WOW, I just had flashbacks to all of my college classes!! That was quite an impressive compilation of explanations! I agree with what Bill Moss said; that is a pretty good rule of thumb. You will find that you will have to tinker around quite a bit to get the desired temps (I know we did....pretty aggravating). The titanium heaters work great and that is what we use. Additionally, we have found that using an overhead ceramic heating element over the water helps to boost both ambient temps and water temps. With the dwarfs, we use filters that keep the current moving and the water aerated (this species seems to benefit by having some "current" in the enclosure). Hope this helps (but I think you already got the advice you needed).

:wow, alright well i guess when my chem, organic chem, physics, and all the other teachers said i should pay attention in class cause ill use this stuff in the future, i guess they were right. anyway if i didnt take those classes i wouldnt know what your talking about but i do, So heres the thing i have a heater in the tank that blows out hot air at 130 degreef F, so the inside of this "enviorment" is pretty warm.(since its winter now and its very cold here i use heaters in my cages) the tank is 6x3x4, with 185 gallons of water, i currently have a 100 watt sumbersible in there along with a 300 watt sub.Im thinking this should work , but it seems to take forever!
:thansk alot for all the advice

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