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Re: Question for Boaboy

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Posted by boaboy13 on March 05, 2003 at 16:40:36:

In Reply to: Question for Boaboy posted by kanuck on March 05, 2003 at 15:53:09:

Well, i was only 12 when i had my caimen, he was about 3 1/2 feet, and for a 12 year old handling a 3 footer, i was haveing a hard time handleing him and i have a chunk tore out of my hand one time. A few months after that, it happend agean and my dad wanted me to trade back, so i did, got a juvi gator. that was the best croc i ever had, all most as taim as a cat, he still would bite but nothing like the caimen. I made a new incloser, its 300 square feet, 270 gallon pond and a 5 foot fence (i made it), well, i dident think about diging out, and its still very sad to thing about, but to my hoarer, i came up one day to find a small hole in one end of the pin. I spent the next month looking nonstop, posting on here on what to do, and takeing huge flood lights each night and shining them over the local ponds, i live on a 50 ac farm and theres a spring not far from the pond, this spring flowed to the local creak, so i would walk it a few times aday, and look for tracks and found nothing, i also would conoe the creak alot in the summer looking. But never a trace, i also looked for remanes and blood, nothing. About 3 months after that i bought aounter one (I still have it now) and fixed the fince and put roofing tin around the sides of the fence and burryed it one foot under ground. I had him in it all summer and did great.

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