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Todays Garter search :( I need advise (more)

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Posted by duffy on May 11, 2003 at 07:27:16:

In Reply to: Todays Garter search :( I need advise (more) posted by H BlueDevil H on May 10, 2003 at 19:23:57:

I have a few acres in Ohio. Pond, stream, woods also. What I do is put down boards at various strategic locations. After the boards have been there for awhile, I almost always find snakes under one or two of them. All of my "backyard garters" still live out there. My only 2 pet garters are from a friend's wc female who unexpectedly had a bunch of babies last year. Try the board thing, and let us know how it works out. Duffy

:Went out today looking for garters in my backyard. Acres upon Acres of land that includes: Ponds, streams, creeks, dense vegitation, large mounds of dirt, rotten logs, fallen trees, Ditches, frogs, toads, fish and so much more! And all I found was the remaining piece of tail from a garter snake :( I know they are out there but where @ and when? Does anyone know? Can anyone help me?

:Thanks alot,


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