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Re: Beginning Breeding

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Posted by Brian Macker on April 06, 2003 at 18:36:34:

In Reply to: Beginning Breeding posted by NAHerps on April 05, 2003 at 19:30:29:

It's just as much work to produce a low end morph as a high end one. The only difference is the initial investment in the snake. You are going to spend way more on the snake in one year in terms of equipment, electricity, and labor costs than you will on the initial cost of the snakes.

As to the price of the snakes when you sell them. Well you can charge whatever you want so if you want to sell nice flames for the $12 you would get for a WC then you can do so.

:What type of morph, if any, would be good for beginning breeding garters.
Anyway, i was thinking about (when it's time) what type of morph would be in high enough demand that i would get a good price, but not expensive enough that no one would want to buy them. im on a limited budget, so probably something under $50.

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