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Re: ribbon started eating! yea!

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Posted by greg woodie on March 27, 2003 at 00:23:06:

In Reply to: ribbon started eating! yea! posted by HerpGirl on March 26, 2003 at 09:01:33:

:my riboon snake, jera, finally started eating. i had him for about 2 weeks and he didnt eat anything. then he ate like 6 medium feeder fish and a few tiny guppies. im really happy he ate but is it usual for them to eat that much? also one of the fish he ate was dead. is that normal also. the fish were also slightly bigger than his head so i didnt know if he would eat it or not, but he did.

my Western usually eats well. sometimes he has spells, though. how big is your Ribbon? you'd be surprised how much they can eat. i've watched mine eat up to 14 fish in one feeding!! he's close to 2 feet. i don't feed him that much all the time. i guess he was just really hungry. in case you didn't already know, their metabolism is higher than other snakes so they need to be fed more often. twice a week is good. feeder fish are cheap, too, which is also good! you mentioned he didn't eat for a couple weeks...where do you live? when did you get him? is he wild caught or did you buy him? i got mine at a pet store, but i think he was wild-caught. if he's eating now, then you shouldn't have to worry. he may have just been getting used to his new environment. you said he ate a dead fish? i guess that is a little unusual, but feeding habits of individual snakes can vary. mine, for instance, won't eat anything unless it's moving. just carry on as normal. he should be fine. i'm glad and happy for you! oh, do you have any pics? i'd love to see some!


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