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Re: Canned high end

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Posted by Brian Macker on March 23, 2003 at 13:35:27:

In Reply to: Re: Canned high end posted by TOM DICKINSON on March 23, 2003 at 10:24:41:

Cameras don't use the exact same system we do to detect colors. Plus our brains correct for lighting. Some cameras attempt to correct for lighting also. The yellowing of shots usually happens to me when I take the photos under incandescent bulbs indoors. Sometimes even white paper towels look yellow. I correct for that by using a flash and the pics come out redder. Outdoors I usually don't have a problem. I was outdoors in this case but I was not using the "auto" setting. I had it set to 1000 speed so if I jiggled the camera it would still be in focus. But there wasn't enough light. It was also evening so might be that the lighting was yellower.

Direct sunlight is best for capturing the reds.

Problem could also be your camera. Check out this web site: It has sample pictures from all the digital cameras. Plus you can compare pictures from different cameras with their comparometer.

:Do you know why that happens?It seems every pic I take the red comes out orange.
: Tom

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