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Garters are tough little critters

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Posted by Alan Francis on February 20, 2003 at 01:38:49:

In Reply to: Re: Accidental Experiment posted by herpconsultants2 on February 17, 2003 at 11:33:42:

I have also had a couple of amazing escape survivals here in the north of England. I am also not proud of the escapes, and fortunately have had none recently.
One was a T radix male that escaped in an August. I found it run over on the road the next May. It had grown considerably. A second was a T marcianus, escaped in September. The farmer from next door found it basking in his field on a sunny day in March! The third was the most amazing, but not a garter. Last August I found an adult female trans-Pecos rat snake on the staircase. I have not kept that species for a long time, and when I looked at my computer database there was only one possibility. It was a juvenile that had escaped, 9 months old, in 1997. It survived undetected and grew to adulthood inside our house over a five year period!
Any, the marcianus bred fine, and continues to do so, and I can see no reason at all why your snake should have come to any harm.
Good luck! My own San Franciscos are also mating now.

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