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Re: Cage size vs. # of snakes.

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Posted by ladysharon on February 13, 2003 at 11:22:00:

In Reply to: Cage size vs. # of snakes. posted by ladysharon on February 12, 2003 at 13:40:21:

????? Is this a slow forum??? I was hopeing for at least one responce by now. :(

- Sharon

:Hi. I wanted to get peoples possitions on how many snakes per size cage I can have. (adverage garter/ribbon)

:I am thinking of custom cages to so...
:how large a cage gal and sq foot for 2 snakes?

:Keep in mind that there will be branches and rocks and stuff like that that they can go up as well.

:I should also mention this... right now I keep two adult garters in a 20gal. When I first got the cage... the SLIDE IN screen was not strong enough to hold the weight of my cats and eventually tore. I bought a 20gal screen from a shop... one size fits all... but it went over the top... not slide in... leaveing enough of a gap for a snake to escape SO I use both tops.

:As a result these snakes LOVE getting between the screens (there is plenty of room) and hardly spend time accutally IN the cage.

:I mention this because it doesn't seem like they like to "roam" alot and may need less room then I first thought when I started getting snakes.

:Thanks for your help
:- Sharon
:PS this will determine how many I can add to my collection.


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