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Garter breeding Q - looking 4 info

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Posted by herpconsultants2 on February 04, 2003 at 06:07:38:

This will be my first attempt at breeding the beautiful group of tetra's I was lucky enough to buy last year. The 2.3 group went back into their 'normal' cage yesterday, and one of the males was very interested in one of the females. Hopefully over the next couple of weeks both of the boys will do their stuff.

I am relatively new to garters and wondered what people do once the females are gravid. Alan Francis here in the UK for example says that he separates them until parturition. Does everybody do this? Just wondered, because I know not everybody would have (in my case) 3 empty cages to spare.

Also, at what point do most people have their animals feed again after the cool off? After the first shed or before? Do they need any extra stimulation with say worms / live fish, or do they generally just start again without a problem?

Anyway, I am looking for any info I can find. If anyone has any really good links / tops I would be very grateful. You can never have too much advice / knowledge, that's the way I see it.

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