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Hi, just a few questions and intro.

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Posted by Brock on February 01, 2003 at 02:21:03:

Hey, I'm Brock.
I don't keep any snakes. I have a chameleon, some japaluras, a few newts and a frog, and 2 leopard geckos.
The reason I am posting on this forum is to ask anyone experienced with breeding garter snakes the basic how-to.
There was a great garter den out at the air port where we take my dogs for a walk, hundreds of beautiful snakes around, but unfortunately some large piping went directly through it. What are the odds, its such a secluded, isolated place.
Anyways, I'd like to catch a few different pairs and re-establish them there.
1) are there any external ways to sex garters/any sexual dimorphism. (there are all brown ones, and black-red-yellow ones, I don't know if these are seperate subspecies or the males and females)
2) how can I successfully breed them.

I'm taking notes now, I won't be doing this until June if I can find any good snakes.

Thank you,

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