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Posted by Thamnophile on December 04, 2002 at 16:42:44:

In Reply to: USFWS posted by rr on December 03, 2002 at 18:37:44:

I just want to comment on something I just noticed now - several people, including myself, asked about states and their laws... But this thread has the title USFWS - the *United States* Fish and Wildlife Service - the feds. So this will affect all of us, no matter what state we're in, unfortunately.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.


:Today the USFWS and an armed conservation officer spent the afternoon going through my snake room. They are cracking down on ANYONE selling/trading non game species. Bottom line Is I will be sited I suspect and out of the garter bussiness.I have all of 30 snakes

:Even keeping them will require significant documentation. So my advice is lay low and work to change the laws they are bad.

:Welcome to free America and Say Goodbye to the Garter Snake Guys. The threatened to confiscate my computer because I wouldnt give them sources of places I got the snakes....No comment on my actions just be carefull out there the little guys are geting hammered a big guy can fisght back with lawyers .A guy with thirtey snakes and an Armed officer during the lunch holiday with the in laws was a bit much.

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