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Can I modify my terrarium to hold a little bit of water?

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Posted by EllasMommie on May 04, 2003 at 18:17:25:

In Reply to: Can I modify my terrarium to hold a little bit of water? posted by SA85M on May 04, 2003 at 15:57:26:

We have a 45 gallon terrarium and it isn't meant to be filled with water. But it is doing just fine with 5 gallons of water on one side.

:thanks for the info. the owner said that it cannot hold any water since it is a terrarium. it has no cracks that i can see. also, there is a label on the tank saying that it cannot hold water. well, we'll see about that. i recently took off the silicone that was originally on it with some razor blades. then i put some new silicone around it and a piece of plexi that goes in the middle to make it 50% water and 50% land. also, i made it so that only about 5" of water can be held by the water half of the tank. i'll let you guys know how it turns out. thanks!


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