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Posted by ginevive on April 28, 2003 at 06:13:53:

Yesterday we took a walk in the woods. Seeing the small puddle where I took about 40 wood frog eggs last week(all hatched at home), the remaining eggs were pretty dried-up looking, looked dead, and it was very depressing. But we walked on, about a mile into the woods we noticed bright green algae-looking clumps in a series of shallow vernal pools. the mossy-looking clumps in the water turned out to be algae-covered, wood frog egg shells. There were literally thousands of tiny hetchling tads feeding off the algae, you could scoop your hand right in and catch 5-10 of them. These guys, though, were barely half the size of the ones we hatched indoors, which are now nearly an inch long. Fascinating, the role that heat plays on their development. And it makes me happy that, though this earth is so polluted and developed, there is a wood frog sanctuary in my backyard.

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