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symptoms due parasites or poor conditions(or both)?

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Posted by andrewhedlund on May 04, 2003 at 13:35:44:

I just recieved a "CB" dragon. When it came, it was completely dehydrated and emaciated. Since then, I have watered him well through spraying him and keeping a decent size water bowl available to him. He has a 160 watt UV light and can go to within six inches of it(I can almost assume it reaches 100 degrees). He hasn't eaten very much, but he has defecated a few times. I have noticed what seem to be parasite eggs. Because he has not been eating very much, I have had to syringe feed him a mixture of vitamin/calcium supplements and chicken puree baby food. He is breathing very heavily, seems very lethargic, and has his eyes closed more often they should be. My night time temperatures are upper 60s/low 70s. Could this be part of the problem? Whether it is or not, I am about to get a ceramic heating element for night time use. Are these problems likely due to the parasites, something else, or are they due to the combination of the two? I have gotten a fair amount of food into him, but his energy level has not increased. It is hard to believe that this lizard could have the run-of-the parasites and/or quantity of. I used to own a Tokay gecko that was completely infested with what looked to be the same type of parasite. I had him for seven years, and the person I gave him to continues to keep him today. Foolishly, I did not treat him. I will bring this one to the vet though.


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