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Re: -------> noticed big behaviour change!!!!

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Posted by MysticHerps on April 13, 2003 at 22:46:34:

In Reply to: -------> noticed big behaviour change!!!! posted by Vic on April 13, 2003 at 04:05:58:

Glad to hear all that :)

The snakes could be an issue since frilleds have great eye sight. I had a couple of babies once that i placed in a tank, didnt think anything of it..... i looked over later and one was frilled up dramatically... mouth a gape, fully erect. I was wondering what the heck.... It was seeing a tank of nile monitors i had and freaking out !!!!!

Hope all continues to go well, and get better


PS... english seems fine to me

:Hi Matt,

:I raised the temp up to 91.5 now on hotspot, still trying to raise it more as you suggested.
:Fecal is on it's way to the vet by now.
:The hoppers I buy at the local store and I gutload them myself.

:I did covered the cage with a big blanket to avoid any stress situation.
:About an hour after I did this I noticed a big behaviour change.
:The lethargic male is running around in his cage like a mad man.
:Now I did took a good look at how I did positition the cage, I noticed they can see my tank with snakes.
:Can it be possible that's the cause???
:Maybe he does see the snakes at the other side of the room and this caused stress??
:(my females aren't lethargic as the male)

:I'll better leave the blanket on the tank for a while to see what will happen.....

:Thanks for your time and reply.....



:ps: sorry for my lack of english. :(


::temps are way to low if you ask me. my frilleds have access to a 110 degree hot spot...... also, where are the grass hoppers comming from ??? there is chance of pesticide contanimation from them if they are caught in the outdoors.

::Fecal as suggested would also be a good idea. I wouldnt wait a week or so, but go ahead and get one done.


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