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Re: Other foods for the frilleds?

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Posted by MysticHerps on April 07, 2003 at 22:21:59:

In Reply to: Other foods for the frilleds? posted by poisonfrog420 on April 07, 2003 at 16:32:01:

I raise orange headed cockroaches, superworms, and mealworms. between these three colonies i feed 1.1 frilleds, 1.1 adult chinese water dragons, 1.1 ackie monitors, 3 emperor scorpions, and i think that covers it. Those colonies will MORE than support what i have, and the roaches are also fed to my croc as well (he "begs" for em when i get em for the other critters).

smell is minimal since the roaches only musk when disturbed, and that is tolerable. MUCH better than hissers if you ask me..hissers killed my sinuses, and were too hard bodies, and little ones CAN climb glass if its not perfectly me, i sold off a colony of over 2000 several years back (15 pound UPS shipping rate) I feed the insects off tongs, or out of a dish since they do have a tendancy to bury in the substrate, or hide rapidly. If i use a dish, i put a bit of cal/ vit powder in the bottom to make sure they keep it on em.

Hope that helps


:As some of you know I have a pair of frilleds that are a little under a year old. They are now going through about 1000 crickets every 2 weeks and I was looking for something else to feed them. I know that some people feed bettles and roaches, but what kind are best? Where do you get them? And is it eaiser to breed them than to just buy a bunch? Thanks, Jacob.

:P.S. What does every one think is a good size cage for one adult frilled? I am trying to find a size that is small enough for my space, but that is still good for the frilled. By the way, both of my babies are outgrowing their 75 gal tanks and I need to start working on bigger cages.

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