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Posted by Pennebaker on March 12, 2003 at 09:59:35:

In Reply to: Re: pics with owner. size comparison?? posted by expansa on March 11, 2003 at 16:45:33:

:Hi Joey, This is a photo of me holding our 5 year old male Australian NT Frilled lizard. He is an average sized male. They can get up to 3Ft long including the tail. He is still growing and has a great appetite. He has a great nature and we had to work at it to get him to frill up. He sits on the dashmat of our car when we go for a drive and sits on my shoulder whenever we go out. He is as tame as the tamest beardie.

:Craig L

::Hey everyone I don't have a frillie but they are on my list of lizards to research before purchasing. I have two bluetongues and while I love them to death I do want something a little more prehistoric looking in nature and I want an animal with some size. I have read that the Aussies get bigger and average about 22"-28" in total length. If anyone has pics holoding there big frillie and pics of average frille I would love to see them.
::thanks Joey


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