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Re: Torn frill on frillie

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Posted by Pennebaker on March 07, 2003 at 15:54:43:

In Reply to: Torn frill on frillie posted by reptilemanaic112 on March 06, 2003 at 19:01:39:

Depends on whether it is a tear or if it looks like the edge is being "eaten" away. If that is the case, try hydrogen peroxide. There is a bug/bacteria that frillies can get where it eats away at the edge of the frill. Peroxide usually takes care of it.
If it is just a tear, that is very normal--frills in the wild are often all ripped up. Usually they do not get infected, but you could use a betadine/water solution to treat it if you want.
hope that helps

: Hi, I have a female frilled that I have had for about a year. She has a tear in the top of her frill. It couldn't have been from a male because I don't have one. She is in a large 6x4x2 cage. It also appears to be infected. I'm not sure what to put on it (I've been using Neosporin). If you have any suggestions of what it could be from or what to use to help it heal they would be most appreciated
: Thanks,
: Spencer

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