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Re: My frilled wunt Eat

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Posted by SnakeCharmedXX on February 28, 2003 at 06:21:50:

In Reply to: My frilled wunt Eat posted by 4m4t3ui2 on February 27, 2003 at 09:14:13:

How big is your frilly? What size crickets are you using? Is he/she drinking? Is your set up in a high traffic area? Frillies are pretty shy and will not eat if they feel insecure or bothered. Also light and humidity play a big factor in a dragons appitite. If they are too cold, they won't eat because they can't digest food plus they are too slugish to attempt to eat. Get rid of the orange bulb and get something bright. Also frilleds need UVB. Not trying to bash or anything, but you really need to do some research on your frilly and get a better understanding of the species. This should have been done before bringing him/her home. Good luck and I hope that he/she starts eating soon!

:i just recently bought a frilled and 2 days has passed but it has yet eat any of the crickets that i put inside the tank. Can anyone pls tell me wat to do? Are there any subsitute to crickets like mealworms, fruiys ,vege etc ?

:also, im currently using a orange colored light bulb of 60 watt for my frilled. Is it allright ?

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