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One more thing...

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Posted by MatthewT on February 03, 2003 at 11:35:25:

In Reply to: Re: Pennebaker what do you think of this set up? posted by MatthewT on February 03, 2003 at 11:32:07:

So do you think glass is the way to go? I'm not that concerned with weight considering it will be on casters. I'm just worried about breakage. I dont want some young kid doing an endo into my tank....hmmm decisions decisions.


:Thanks for the reply...unfortuntately I'm not an engineer at heart. I couldn't make a cage half as sturdy as theirs, so I'll end up buying one. Now I just have to decide on all the specifications. Should I start a baby frilly in a smaller tank like a 20-40? Would the large cage be to much for a hatchling? Thanks and stay in touch.


::I love the looks of their cages. Just be careful if you decide to use acrylic (plexi)--it scratches easily, and I never knew this but apparently you are not supposed to use glass cleaner on acrylic--it can make the entire cage crack. Just soap and water. But, glass is so heavy. Building your own is the way to go!


:::The cage on the front page. I'm thinking of something like that built to my specifications, with screened sides and such. I like the synthetic logs for easy clean up and the fact that they won't harbor as much bacteria. What do you think? Any suggestions?




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