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Re: Rember that wild herps can and will transfer mites, etc.

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Posted by buddy1900 on February 01, 2003 at 06:15:06:

In Reply to: Rember that wild herps can and will transfer mites, etc. posted by poisonfrog420 on January 31, 2003 at 21:18:00:

What's the saying?: For every person who who gives his opinion, there are 10 more thinking the same thing. I re-read my posting and realized what I wrote. I didn't hold the anole up to the dragon, I held it up to his tank. It was through the glass. And my Emerald was captive bred as well as the dragon. And I always wash my hands before handling these guys. Sorry for being unclear. Some of you must really cringe when reading my posts. I assure you my cages are clean and my lizards are healthy. But all that being said, I appreciate the advice. Really. Thanks.


:Personaly I would not bring a wild lizard and put them near my frilleds. They can get mites, ticks or any number of nasty bugs. If I were you I would keep them in a seperete room and wash before handling you frilled. Jusy my .02


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