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Re: frilled not eating

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Posted by bransun3 on December 22, 2002 at 15:41:50:

In Reply to: Re: frilled not eating posted by Pennebaker on December 21, 2002 at 20:39:00:

Hey..thanks for the help.. Im not to sure If i can block his view the way my room is setup.. If my other frilled was a male would he be doing something back?? Because im still not sure if its a male or female. The other doesnt do anything and is Behaving fine, I've never seen the male act like this before. If its a female and I put them together is it gonna be trouble for them? i get scared sometimes.. Thanks for the help though I appreciate it alot.. Steve

:LOL. you may want to block his view. Sometimes male lizards can have a one track mind and forget all about eating! It can be dangerous if it goes for too long.

::Hi everyone..MY adult has been acting a bit strange. I dont think he has eaten for 2 weeks now.. He keeps on doing his little dance alllll day long. Bobs his head. puts his frills out and puts his arm out.and looks at the juvie. He looks healthy and is active. Im just worried about the eating. The juvie is fine doesnt seem affected at all by it.. eating properly and everything else.. wold appreciate some feedback.. thanks everyone Steve


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