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Re: Frilled Diet.....Need feedback thanks!!

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Posted by sgalbo on November 14, 2002 at 09:28:32:

In Reply to: Re: Frilled Diet.....Need feedback thanks!! posted by Zeus on November 14, 2002 at 09:11:12:

:just very the diet like you are doing. give him crix one day, supers the next, through in a few wax worms(those usually get picky animals eating) and through in a pinky every once in a while. i found that every once in a while they will take a break from eating excpecially this time of year. even though you keep temps up and humidity correct sometimes they still know its winter. what are you keeping the humidity at? make sure you spray him often? would love to see some pics. how old is he? hope this helps.

I keep the Humidity at 50-60% and spray him twice a day with a bath every 5-6 days. I bought him back in march '02. Ill try to attach some pics..

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