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Re: What is a good diet outline for a baby frilled?

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Posted by poisonfrog420 on September 23, 2002 at 15:27:12:

In Reply to: What is a good diet outline for a baby frilled? posted by Zim on September 23, 2002 at 09:24:07:

I have a pair of baby frilleds that I got from james. I feed mine 1/4 inch crixs. About 2-3 doz a day each. I tried mealworms because everyone says that they love them, but mine ingnore them. In fact they ingnore any thing that is not right in front of them and moves fast enough.

:I have been reading as much as I can for my little frilled. Seriously though, I have seen about a billion different ideas on feeding. Some people say they are omnivorous, some people just feed them insects exclusively. Basically, I was hoping a couple of you guys could simply post a list of your (baby) frilled's diet over the course of a couple of days. ANy and all replies are much appreicated by myself and my new addition. Thank you.

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