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Re: burrowing frilled????????

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Posted by Pennebaker on September 21, 2002 at 09:06:01:

In Reply to: Re: burrowing frilled???????? posted by reptilian on September 20, 2002 at 21:36:20:

It's got to be the 30 gallon tank. He is trying to thermoregulate so he's hiding to get cool. A tank that size just cannot provide enough space thermoregulation. I'd build him a new tank. You should see a big growth spurt once you do that too. Suggested minimum tank size for an adult frilly is 4 feet high, 3 feet wide.
Some people on here have made some great enclosures for around $50, so maybe do a search on the forum for some plans.

:well i asked about him not growing with a reptile curator at the smithsonian institute in maryland and he said some animals grow slower than others for some reason. as for feeding he eats every day.7-11 crix mon,tues, & friday 35-50 waxworms,thursday 2-3 frozen pinkies.i mist his cage every other day and i stop after he has drinken water at about 4 different times and decides to go back up his branch. he is kept in a 30gallon tank 36"lx13"wx20"h. i have been trying to get growth rates but cannot seem to find any. i have a digi cam and will take a photo for you to see,but need to know how to post pics. i have thought since i had him about 2months he was stunted,but when i talked to the rptile curator he said it was normal and heard of other reptiles that had stunted growth for no apperent 7reason.the humidity in his cage is around 76%. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG???????

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