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Re: Can any experienced Frill Care taker tell me what does t

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Posted by James on July 20, 2002 at 22:19:33:

In Reply to: Can any experienced Frill Care taker tell me what does t posted by ManicDVLN on July 19, 2002 at 09:05:05:

I would not move them into a cage that big until they are a little larger. Where did you get your babies from? If you do move them to the big cage I would still feed them in the 10 gallon so loose crickets arn't everywhere and you know they are eating. They should not frill at you unless they are spooked or not very nice.

: I have two CB NG frills in a 10 gallon tank, I just got them a week ago, there around 7-8 inches, one is male and one is female. I don't know which is which, but anyways, my question is that one of my frills likes to jump on the back of my other, and likes to caress its forehead on the other frills neck while she/he is basking. Anyone know what this behavior means? Also, another unrelated question. Should i keep my frills in my 10 gallon tank, or just put them right now in their 175 G reptarium which I already prepared?

: I think the male one has yellow colouring on his frills and is very active, the other which i suppose is the female isn't as active as the male and does not have that yellowish mustard colouring.

: Btw, mine at this very young age LOVE ME VERY MUCH, i don't understand why, it seems alot of people here have frills who dont like there owners to much, but my little guys just simply love to be handled and just sit on my shoulder or roam around on me wihtout being stressed! Every time I approach the tank, they quickly try to catch on whichever corner I am, and I never seen them frill at me, I wish they would, so I can impress my friends :P

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