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Herping Brazoria Co. Texas

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Posted by snakeguy88 on May 10, 2003 at 17:11:29:

Headed down to the coast today and had some fair luck. First turn after exiting the highway I found a large, skinny texas rat, probably a good 5 or 6 ft long. It was overcast and windy, so I decided to postpone fishing and go road cruising. Found a dead Miss. Green water and a cottonmouth at first. Next find was a HUGE cottonmouth, very pretty, and very fresh. It had been killed within the hour. Found another DOR cottonmouth and yet another that was still alive. Its intestines were hanging out of its cloaca and the skin was missing from a large section of its tail. It was on its way out, so I felt obligated to help it and move the small carcass to the side of the road. A DOR atrox was the next find. After fishing yielded little and I spent a long while trying to get my car out of the mud (the high tide had been VERY high the day before), we cruised a little more. Found an AOR glass lizard that got away before we could grab it. Andy

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