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My first field herping of the season...

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Posted by Amanda E on April 19, 2003 at 16:47:56:

Hi. I've never posted here before, but I had to tell someone of my day's find.

My husband and I went out around 1pm to a local park to go hiking. I wasn't expecting to find anything but I was still hoping.

Turns out that we were quite lucky.

The first herp we found was a northern water snake. It was basking on a rock right next to the river running along the hiking path. It was between 2.5-3 feet long.

The next herps we found were some green frogs. We saw 3 fairly close-up, and saw the splashes of a few after they had just jumped into the water.

We also saw a bunch of turtles, probably about 6 or 7. I forgot to pay attention to how many there were. We saw at least 1 eastern painted turtle, 2 stinkpots, and 1 10-inch long snapping turtle.

For not expecting to find anything, I thought we did very well.

Next weekend, we are planning on going back to the same park to see if we can find any of the same animals or hopefully some new ones. Next time we will also take a camera. I really wish I could have gottten a picture of that water snake. It was only about 3 feet away from us.

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